Power Generation

Nuclear, coal or fossil, natural gas, and hydroelectric power plants are perhaps the largest industry that can benefit greatly from a variety of repair and strengthening solutions offered by Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP).

Many of these power plants perform these repairs during scheduled shutdowns where time is at a premium. FRP products can provide economical, long-lasting repairs that can be installed within the short window of time available during a typical power plant shutdown.

Our engineered Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) solutions offer fast, long-lasting and economical repair alternatives to owners, architect/engineers and contractors to ensure the project is completed on time, within budget and with minimum disruption of business. Repairs with FRP do not result in enlargement of the columns and walls. This means the same floor area and number of parking spaces remains available after the repairs for future revenue generation. Parking garages also have limited overhead clearance. Repair of floor beams and slabs with FRP assures that the overhead clearance is not reduced due to the repairs.

In most cases, FRP CONSTRUCTION can provide a complete “turnkey” design-build solution that includes sealed engineering drawings by our in-house engineers, all of the materials needed, and installation by one of our approved and certified installers. Our construction company is fully trained and compliant with the safety regulations in power plants. This unique turnkey design-build approach results in significant efficiency, time and cost-savings, and minimizes the potential errors and delays that can result when multiple groups are involved in one project.

We also welcome the opportunity to partner with owners, architects, engineers and contractors by providing any single aspect of the project, i.e., design, materials, or installation for a specific project.

Some of the repair and strengthening projects on electrical power plants that can benefit from FRP solutions are:

1. Strengthening of floors, beams, columns and walls as a result of change of use in existing buildings, or placement of additional loads, etc.

2. Seismic strengthening of concrete and masonry buildings for enhanced resiliency in case a major earthquake occurs

3. Repair of corrosion damaged columns, floors, stairways, etc.

4. Repair of corrosion-damaged beams, walls and columns in cooling towers with PileMedic®

5. Blast retrofit/mitigation or force protection of the key structures against terrorist attacks

6. Repair of underground utility tunnels and/or pull boxes that are damaged by corrosion

7. Trenchless repair of high-pressure pipelines (internally or externally) with wet layup, StifPipe® or InfinitPipe®

8. Repair of jetties and submerged piles that may be a part of the plant, e.g. jetties used as coal unloading facilities

9. Strengthening of utility poles and transmission lines with our patented PileMedic® system

10. Repair and strengthening of mountaintop and/or remote structures such as cracked concrete foundations, transmission lines, etc.

11. Repair and strengthening of chimneys and smokestacks

12. Repair and strengthening of tanks